In loving memory of

Total Donated: $
This site commemorates Bharti Patil, a loving mother, a caring friend and a generous soul.
She spent her life helping others.
In her passing, this memorial will serve to donate to the work she would have wanted done in the world, regularly, in her name, and in perpetuity.
How does it work?
Bharti's Helping Hands used to work via a vault that earns yield on assets deposited by providing liquidity to and collecting fees from decentralized exchanges. This yield is used to give to charities in Bharti's name via The Giving Block every month. 50% of yield is compounded every few days, and 50% of yield is donated, given below is the current real time balance of the vault, and earnings for the current compounding period.
Informative links and credit to everything that makes BHH possible.
Decentralized, leveraged perpetuals exchange built on Arbitrum.
DAO that builds fantastic DeFi products for the greater good such as the Unstoppable:Yield vault contract BHH uses.
Platform for charities to accept donations via cryptocurrency.