February was another trying month in terms of things going on around the world, but its again my favorite time of the month, donation time. The crypto markets have yet to recover in a real sense, and yields have been moderating even as price stays relatively stable. Despite that, BHH still managed to earn about 1.4 ETH in yield, or about $4,126 in yield.
For the same reason, January's donation to The Young Center for Immigrant Children's Rights was a bit light, so we decided to do an extra donation of 0.34 ETH ($1,002) to them in February as well.
For main February donation, BHH gave 0.61 ETH ($1,779) to Be The Match foundation, a great organization that matches patients of leukemia and rare blood cancers with blood/marrow donors. Bharti was a RN for over a decade, so we think she'd love to have seen a donation in her name to the type of cause she dedicated so much of her life to.
Transaction IDs:
Bharti's Helping Hands